Contemporary Music for All
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In 2010 a few musicians of Wind Ensemble RAAK, based in Maastricht, were looking for new contemporary repertoire when they accidently discovered the English organisation CoMA. They were so impressed by the concept that they decided to start a CoMA Maastricht. Its first activity was the Festival for Contemporary Music for Amateurs that ran successfully in November 2011. In organising this Festival CoMAMaastricht collaborated intensively with CoMA UK. CoMA UK is active since 1993 and has lots of experience in promoting and organising events for contemporary music making by amateurs. Besides that it has developed strong relations with a lot of well known English composers, like Michael Finnissy, Judith Weir, Michael Nymann and many others.

By now CoMAMaastricht has grown into a small, but stable organisation. Since 2013 it has its own ensemble led by the young and inspiring conductor Txemi Etxebarria. In the course of the years several Allcomers Events took place, the ‘Festival Finnissy for All’ in November 2016 on the occasion of CoMAMaastricht’s fifth anniversary being the highlight. The CoMAMaastricht Ensemble participated in several international CoMA activities.